Season (ing)

I like definitions.
Browsing dictionaries was one of my favorite activities when I was a kid. You are probably thinking: what kind of kid likes that? Well, I did. :)
This week I was looking through the window on my way to work and I thought about two particular words: season and seasoning.
So I got home, looked up Merriam-Webster and here is what I found:
1a : a time characterized by a particular circumstance or feature
b : a suitable or natural time or occasion
c : an indefinite period of time
2a : a period of the year characterized by or associated with a particular activity or phenomenon; the period normally characterized by a particular kind of weather
b : one of the four quarters into which the year is commonly divided
1: a substance (such as salt, pepper, a spice, or an herb) that is used to add flavor to food
2 : something that serves to season; especially : an ingredient (as a condiment, spice, or herb) added to food primarily for the savor that it imparts

I like definitions.
I have lived a quarter of my life and I consider this a season of change for me.
In the last 6 months I graduated from college in Brazil and received my second B.A., looked for, found a started my first full-time job, moved away from my hometown to the biggest city in the country, found a new apartment and roommates… and those are just some of the transformations that happened lately.
Along with so many changes, there is little structure, order, routine and… definitions.
While I was on the bus heading to work, I considered the meaning of the noun season. Change is fundamental to life. Something that is never transformed is dead and doomed to be forgotten.

It was such an awestruck moment to realize that seasons bring seasoning to life.
Variation brings flavor.
Evolution brings taste.
Transition brings aroma.
And despite my tendency to hold on to patterns and definitions, I am learning to appreciate the beauty of an ever changing planet, ever changing contexts, ever changing existance.
I am learning to be thankful for the steady among the chaotic.
Family, those friends who pick up calls in the middle of the night, your mission, values and purpose.

Above all, I am learning to be thankful for a God who is everlasting, unchanging and who has everything under control.
“Though the seasons change, Your love remains.” — United Pursuit
And I am learning to appreciate the chaos among the patterns, too. ;)
Will you join me in this journey of appreciating new tastes in new seasons?