Bença, tia.Perdi a conta de quantas vezes disse essas palavras pra minha tia-avó querida.Aug 17, 2021Aug 17, 2021
“Eu não gosto de esperar!”Concordo com essa afirmação. Mas não fui eu que a fiz nos últimos dias.Jul 14, 2021Jul 14, 2021
The 3 Second PauseA couple of days ago, I was in a virtual meeting with hundreds of strangers.Jun 21, 2021Jun 21, 2021
Transitioning from Customer Service to Human ServiceIf you also live on planet Earth, you’ve had to do some things remotely since the beginning of the pandemic.Jun 6, 2021Jun 6, 2021
Serviço de Atendimento às Pessoas (SAP)Se você, assim como eu, mora no planeta Terra, teve que fazer algumas coisas à distância desde o início da pandemia.Jun 6, 2021Jun 6, 2021
What is the size of your dreams?Craving was never something that went unnoticed in my household.May 31, 20211May 31, 20211
Qual o tamanho dos seus sonhos?Lá em casa a gente nunca foi de passar vontade.May 31, 2021May 31, 2021
We Should All Have Instagram Kind of EyesA couple of days ago I went to a friend’s workplace and I was magnetically attracted to the balcony. There was something about the view…Jun 18, 2016Jun 18, 2016